Located in Corfe Mullen, Dorset, Elite Permanent Makeup & Aesthetics has a a passion for making their clients look and feel incredible.

The business is comprised of four main elements, covering a range of treatments suitable for both men and women: Permanent Makeup, Beauty, Micro Sculpt Scalp Micropigmentation and Love Plasma.

Rachel is a professionally trained permanent makeup artist and also a beauty technician specialising in permanent eyebrows, lips and eye liner, PMU & PMU removal, plasma fibroblasting, no needle lip fillers and a whole range of health & beauty treatments.

Rachel has trained with some of the leading international & UK industry training providers such as Theresa Wild, The Clinical Academy and The Creative Beauty Group to hone her skills and to offer the latest modern techniques, clinical services and to deliver the best possible service, experience and results for her clients.

PErmanent Makeup

Semi-permanent makeup, sometimes called cosmetic tattooing involves delicately adding hypo-allergenic pigments in a range of shades to the outermost layers of your skin, most commonly the brows, eyes and lips. We all want to look good and feel great. Looking good helps you feel confident and ready to face the day, but our hectic lifestyles mean many of us struggle to find the time to apply perfect make-up every morning.

Semi permanent make-up offers an ideal solution, giving you defined eyebrows, wide awake eyes and fuller lips morning, noon and night. You will save time on your beauty routine and never have to worry about answering the door with a bare face again.

Scalp Micropigmentation

Scalp Micropigmentation which can also be referred to as an advanced medical hair tattoo is a safe, non-invasive treatment which permanently disguises any type of hair loss. The treatment is performed by our highly skilled practitioners using specially formulated micro fine needles, machines and techniques to deposit pigment into the upper dermis layer of the skin. These micro deposits of pigment are matched to your existing hair follicles to simulate hair growth and the illusion of hair to create a seamless, completely undetectable result.

Love Plasma

Love Plasma is the revolutionary non-surgical skin tightening treatment, offering visibly tighter skin that looks lifted and fuller immediately, that continues to improve for weeks to come as the skin produces collagen.